Monday, August 25, 2003

My husband was asked at church when I was going to be updating my blog. Well, I had meant to update it but...I know, if wishes were horses than beggars would ride. So now I'm sitting down and actually writing.

Training Teleconferences, etc.

Well, I the volunteer training has been rescheduled for October, so hopefully I'll get to participate in it then. I also missed last week's complementary and alternative medicine one. Last week was a bear at work, and I was a bear at home because of it. Since I actually had a nice day at work on Thursday (the day of the teleconference), I decided to cook a really nice dinner. Thursdays are the days I pick up my fresh produce, and this time I also bought some fresh pasta and some cookies from another farmer. Then I headed to the health food store to get some fresh fish. By the time we finished fighting with the grill and actually had some dinner to show for it, the teleconference was already half over. Oh well...the food was awesome (if I do say so myself). I won't miss this week's, though.

Even though the volunteer training has been postponed, the volunteer effort hasn't. I've already been asked to get started in Peer Support. I've been nervous about it. I had a "lightbulb moment" on Sunday, though. I thought back to when I've struggled with my diagnosis and thought about what I needed at those times. I didn't need someone who had the exact perfect thing to say, I just needed someone to be there. I needed people to understand that sometimes, I just don't have it in me to do what I always used to do, or to follow their agenda. I can offer that to someone else. So even though I won't have the exact perfect words as I volunteer, I'll do all right. When I was at church on Sunday, a woman told me about someone else at church who had been diagnosed with MS and mentioned that she had given this woman my name. I was pleased. I do want to be a resource for others. In a way, it's a chance for me to have something positive come out of this stupid diagnosis.

House Update

There's actually progress on the house! We had our first design meeting on Friday. I can't wait for it to be built, because it will be completely gorgeous. I know there will be times I will be frustrated by this whole process (I've already had some "get me out of this deal" moments), but for now I'm psyched again.

Exercise Update

Let's hope that Saturday was the start of a beautiful friendship between me and my exercise video collection. After working a good portion of the day (let's not go there, OK?), I got some chores done at home and then popped in my Yoga for Weight Loss tape. It lasted nearly an hour, but I made it through. I just wish I would have remembered to put on the awesome yoga pants I bought on sale a few weeks ago. I like this tape because there are four levels of modification shown throughout. I go back and forth between the fully modified and mostly modified pose, depending on which body parts I'm attempting to contort. My legs were sore that night, but Tim gave me a massage. Another benefit of exercising - Tim gives great massages.

Now it's just a matter of making time in my schedule to exercise more regularly. I've already identified Sunday mornings as good opportunities to do a yoga routine. Once choir starts up in September, Tim will have to be at church 30 minutes before I will. I'll get up when he does and head down to do the AM Yoga for Beginners routine (wonderful tape, BTW). Then I'll still have plenty of time to get ready and be in the pew before the service starts. Since I've made some sensible choices for meals this week that don't take long to prepare, I should be able to fit in some after-work time too -- as long as I stop working weird hours. I am not working this weekend, unless the pager goes off.

Writing Update

I'm going to be published next week! I've started writing for a spiritual e-zine, and I've submitted my article for the September issue. I can't wait to see my article in print. I've already seen what the next two topics are (it's published 6 times a year), and I'm excited about the assignments. The reality show column that I write wrapped up last week (since the show's over), but I'm trying to figure out another topic for my satirical skewering. I'm sure I'll find one.

I'm also going to try and do a better job of keeping this updated. It's hard, sometimes. After all, some days the only thing I have to say about my illness is that it's still here and I'm dealing with it. That gets boring. I hate being boring.

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